Hotel Acceptable, Brighton.
A Brighton building project…
Reflective breakfast addressing several fields of interest, and Wider Performance Conditions. Breakfasting time, during & since Japan, have been valuable. My current Pen-Tab 5 Subject Notebook has been in use since Monday 3rd. October, 2005, and the first entry was at the Illium Café, Troy.
Q: Why reflect?
A: To reflect on experience is to better digest it. This is part of refining our practice.
Q: What is a refined practice?
A: Functionally, to do more with less; ie achieve greater efficiency.
To be more who-we-are; ie achieve greater integration & harmony of our parts.
To approach greater necessity.
Function: efficiency;
Being: integrity/harmony;
Will: necessity.
So, a practice addresses efficiency, integrity, necessity.
22.34 Sistery & I had lunch with Toyah’s Sister & her husband at Terre To Terre.
This was chosen by Nicky, and is an exceptional restaurant. What struck me, within 2 bars, was that an operation that brings exceptional care to what it does, does not bring exceptional care to its Noise Pollution System. Mostly, the sonic detritus was ignorable-ish. When the driving bass drum, with nothing else audible, kicked in – oucharoo. Utterly inappropriate for a dining experience. Sister had a word with the waiter-person and this was dealt with quickly.
To the Pavilion with Sister for a visit to one of the most influential buildings in England
Very impressive.
Then walking with Sister this evening & collecting T at the Theatre Royal.
A superb family day.